Have you ever found yourself longing for something specific, like candy or a bag of salty pretzels and wondered, “wait, where is this craving coming from?” Cravings may seem random, but they are actually whisperings from your body that an emotional, physical or psychological need is unmet. By understanding the messages behind these cravings, you can respond with grace + mindfulness rather than restriction.
What are cravings, and why do they happen?
Cravings are cues from your body that can be subtle or very loud. Cravings may indicate a need for certain nutrients, fluctuations in blood sugar or be triggered by emotional or environmental situations [i.e loneliness, stress, the influence of your ice-cream-loving bff, etc]. Decoding these signals can help you understand the root cause of your cravings and guide you toward supporting your body in a holistic way.
Common cravings and the meanings behind them
sugar cravings: blood sugar plays a key role in cravings. Eating refined carbohydrates and sugars can cause quick spikes and drops in blood sugar levels, leading to a search for a quick energy source.
what you can do:
eat protein before carbs [think “P before C”] to anchor your blood sugar with meals
lean on unpackaged carbs whenever possible
chocolate cravings: dark chocolate is naturally high in minerals [specifically magnesium, copper, iron, zinc + manganese] so this may be a signal that your body is lacking some of these minerals.
what you can do:
eat 1-2 squares of dark chocolate containing ≥75% cacao content after meals
add cacao powder to smoothies
salt cravings: salt cravings are often related to dehydration or an electrolyte imbalance [specifically sodium + potassium]. They may also be tied to chronic stress or low energy levels.
what you can do:
drink mineral-rich water with lots of electrolytes [like THIS one]
carbohydrate cravings: carbohydrates are the main source of glucose, aka energy, for your body. Carbohydrate cravings [cravings for breads, pasta or rice] may indicate insufficient energy intake, hormonal fluctuations [i.e a rise in progesterone during the luteal phase of the cycle] or emotional distress [carbohydrates can provide a mood boost by increasing serotonin levels!]
what you can do:
include 1 whole carbohydrate [fruits, root vegetables, grains, beans] with each meal
ensure you are eating ≥25 g protein at each meal
if you suspect you are in need of a mood boost, try going for a walk or calling a friend first
fat cravings: high-quality fats [like those from plants + healthy animals] are potent inflammation-tamers. Fat is also a very satiating macronutrient which helps to tie a meal together and make us feel satisfied after eating. Cravings for fat could stem from underlying inflammation or a low-fat diet.
what you can do:
include 1 source of high-quality fat with each meal [i.e nuts, seeds, avocado, coconut products]
What to do when a craving strikes
Because the cravings can be caused by so many different factors, it’s important to tune in when you feel a craving come on. Consider pausing + asking yourself three simple questions:
am I hungry? This is often the most common reason for any type of craving! Consider eating a meal first, then re-evaluate.
am I tired? Poor quality or inadequate sleep can disrupt blood sugar levels, causing food and sugar cravings. Consider taking a quick power nap!
am I looking for food to fill an emotional gap? This is the trickiest question because sometimes food DOES fill an emotional gap [and that can be ok]. Consider, identifying what you are feeling and see if there is an obvious alternative to break the cycle of habitually being comforted by food.
Ultimately, cravings are tiny nudges from your body to tune in + listen. While it is absolutely ok to indulge in cravings without clarity every once in a while, it is most important in the long run to understand where these cravings are coming from to ensure you are caring for yourself out of a place of grace, understanding, and abundance to get to the root of what you really need.
Click HERE to download our favorite ways to upgrade refined sugar. As you navigate cravings with curiosity instead of constriction, you’ll find this will keep you in a mindset of abundance.